Sunday, January 26, 2014

Week Nine Reflection

Hi & Assalammualaikum ! 

It's Week 9, well now look at that ! Week 9 already and we are almost at the end of Semester 3. Come to think of it, it is rather sad thinking about all the sweet memories during my studies here in Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris. I'll be finishing in the early year of 2015. 

Now stop with the sad part shall we and let's get going with what happened in Week 9. Always the same with the previous weeks. Assignments, assignments, assignments ! Yes, assignments. Loads of them. I went back home during Thaipusam then came back last Sunday and get started straight away on my business proposal. It was a group work so my teammates & I were struggling like crazy to work on the basic of the proposal. But we didn't get to finish it, even though we worked on it from 12 pm till 10 pm. So we continued until Tuesday. I got back to my hostel at 8 pm, 2 nights in a row. It was really a record for me. I was so freaking exhausted but I could never find the time to sit down and rest. 

In addition, I also have a Business English Quiz and Keusahwanan Mid-Term Test. Yes, that adds in more pressure for me. Nevertheless, I tried my best and got through it. It was quite a relief for me when I learn that we'll be having a week holiday for Chinese New Year. So yes, I'm on my holiday now. BUT, I still have to complete all of the ASSIGNMENTS. 

Pray that I'll get through it. 

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Week Eight Reflection

Assalammualaikum & good day everyone. Here we are again, writing reflections for our blogs. So what week is it now ? Yes, you guessed it, it is Week Eight.

Well nothing much happened in this week. On Monday, we finally got to present our Self-Banner to Madam Nadiah in her class. So that's a relief. But then, here comes the next assignment. Two assignments ! Interactive Resume & Homepage. *sigh... I'll be looking forward to finish it during the Chinese New Year week break. Yeahh that's it, another week of holiday.

Last Tuesday was a public holiday, nevertheless I spent it finishing Miss Maria's task which is writing an interpretation of a short story she had given us. Then I continued with revising for Miss Hasimah's Business English test for the next day. But guess what... She cancelled the test ! I don't know whether to be happy about it or not because...

That's right, we have to produce a business proposal and present it next week on Wednesday. In my point of view, this proposal can never be done within a week because it need to done in detail. So how can we do it within a week. Plus, Friday is a public holiday, and I went back home. Yes that's right, I took the risk. But I couldn't sit back & relax either. 

Never mind. If she wants it on Wednesday, I'll make sure that my group and I will finish it and have it by next Wednesday. InsyaAllah aminnnn ~

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Week Seven Reflection

Assalammualaikum & Hi everyone !

It's Week 7 already, gosh ! I can't believe it.

Let's continue with what happened in this week shall we ?

Nothing much, just the usual hustle and bustle of completing all the assignments. We got Self-Banner, Academic Writing Group Presentation, Website, Short Story Interpretations... and many more !

Yes, you heard me. Those are just the beginning. In fact, there are lots more to come. I'm genuinely worried, especially about time. It seems to me, time is catching up and though I didn't procrastinate yet, it still feels as if I haven't started on anything. It's stressing, I know. Tell me about it.

What I'm so bumped about this week is that, there should have been two presentations to be settled but due to 'some' reasons, we just had to reschedule and postpone it to the next week. I hate this. Why ? Because I thought, if these presentations were settled, then we can move on to the next assignments. Hmm....

Never mind, Let's just get going shall we ? Though there are so many work, I'm still looking forward to going back home next Thursday. Life had been quite hectic these past few weeks for me & I could use some rest.

I guess that's all. See you guys in the next post. Bubye ! :)

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Academic Links

As you can see, the title says it all. So in this post, I'm going to list some links to several websites that you can check them out.


If you like to listen to music to enhance your English speaking skills, then you might want to try this site. It's not music but it basically gives the same experience. There are so many audios that you can play & listen to. This site is mainly for improving your LISTENING & SPEAKING SKILLS in English.

LearningEnglish : BritishCoucil

This is another interesting website that you can check out. It has videos and audios that you can watch and listen to, even more, you can download them. In addition, this website also provides exercises on grammar and vocabulary. You might want to try em' too. So many things that you can do in this website so do click this link and check it out.


In case you want to learn other languages besides English, you can try this website. In this website, you can learn French, Spanish, Portugese, German or Italian. It is quite complicated but once you get the hang of it you'll find it easy. The process of learning is much like playing a game so be patient. Haha. Hope you'll enjoy it. I used it to learn french, for me, it's quite easy if you concentrate hard enough.


Another website on learning English. This site focus mostly on English grammar and vocabulary, so for those who keep having trouble with their grammar, you can check this site out. Tons of exercises that you can do.

So that's about it, I will put more links if I found more. Thanks for reading, bye ! :)

Week Six Reflection

Good afternoon, everyone ! It's almost noon, yes almost noon. 

So what's up this week ? Nothing much though. I just got back from my mid semester break last week, and everyone was still in their holiday mood. On top of that, most of the classes were cancelled.. so... yeayyyyy ! So everyone was pretty lazy this week, including me.

However, with our holidays ending, that means coming back to assignments for us. Yes, loads of works to be done and all of them are due next week. Yes, next week. 

So yes, I am stressed out, I am exhausted, and I am so, so, so, so lazy ! I guess everyone are also in the same page as me. What the heck, might as well finish it or I'll be in trouble.

Other then assignments, nothing is up. Just ordinary, boring days. I spent my holidays in Johor Bahru because my Dad lives there & my Mom wanted to be there to accompany him before she started working after Christmas. New year was quite sad for me because I didn't get the chance to get back home and spend it with my family. It was even more emotional for me because 1st January was my Mom's birthday. Nevertheless, I spent it with Sofea, my friend, by going out to Mid Valley Megamall. We had some awesome time together. 

I guess that's about it for Week Six. Bye !