Saturday, January 11, 2014

Week Seven Reflection

Assalammualaikum & Hi everyone !

It's Week 7 already, gosh ! I can't believe it.

Let's continue with what happened in this week shall we ?

Nothing much, just the usual hustle and bustle of completing all the assignments. We got Self-Banner, Academic Writing Group Presentation, Website, Short Story Interpretations... and many more !

Yes, you heard me. Those are just the beginning. In fact, there are lots more to come. I'm genuinely worried, especially about time. It seems to me, time is catching up and though I didn't procrastinate yet, it still feels as if I haven't started on anything. It's stressing, I know. Tell me about it.

What I'm so bumped about this week is that, there should have been two presentations to be settled but due to 'some' reasons, we just had to reschedule and postpone it to the next week. I hate this. Why ? Because I thought, if these presentations were settled, then we can move on to the next assignments. Hmm....

Never mind, Let's just get going shall we ? Though there are so many work, I'm still looking forward to going back home next Thursday. Life had been quite hectic these past few weeks for me & I could use some rest.

I guess that's all. See you guys in the next post. Bubye ! :)

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