Saturday, January 18, 2014

Week Eight Reflection

Assalammualaikum & good day everyone. Here we are again, writing reflections for our blogs. So what week is it now ? Yes, you guessed it, it is Week Eight.

Well nothing much happened in this week. On Monday, we finally got to present our Self-Banner to Madam Nadiah in her class. So that's a relief. But then, here comes the next assignment. Two assignments ! Interactive Resume & Homepage. *sigh... I'll be looking forward to finish it during the Chinese New Year week break. Yeahh that's it, another week of holiday.

Last Tuesday was a public holiday, nevertheless I spent it finishing Miss Maria's task which is writing an interpretation of a short story she had given us. Then I continued with revising for Miss Hasimah's Business English test for the next day. But guess what... She cancelled the test ! I don't know whether to be happy about it or not because...

That's right, we have to produce a business proposal and present it next week on Wednesday. In my point of view, this proposal can never be done within a week because it need to done in detail. So how can we do it within a week. Plus, Friday is a public holiday, and I went back home. Yes that's right, I took the risk. But I couldn't sit back & relax either. 

Never mind. If she wants it on Wednesday, I'll make sure that my group and I will finish it and have it by next Wednesday. InsyaAllah aminnnn ~

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