Saturday, February 15, 2014

Compilations of Essays

Hey folks, here are some links where you can check out various genres of essays. Do check them out so you will know how each of them is done.

Cause & Effect Essays

Narrative & Descriptive Essays

Argumentative Essays

Compare & Contrast Essays

Process Analysis Essays

Week 11 Reflection

Afternoon everyone, how's it going ? Good ? I hope so..

Things had been quite hectic around here, you know, with all the assignments and rushing to complete them before the deadlines. Gosh, I'm dying here..

Anyway, nothing much for the 11th week. AGAIN, just a bunch of work to do.
I'm pretty nervous knowing that the semester is about to end. It's not because of the final examination is coming up, but it's because the lecturers are going to key in our marks and show them before the exam. So yes, I'm really nervous about it.

I can't really say if I have done well this semester. It seems to be just like the previous semesters. Everything was fine at the beginning, but then things started to get rough in the middle and just horrible at the end. I'm praying for the best like seriously, I know I've done my best to catch with everything. All of the assignments, I've given my 100%, just hoping that the lecturers would see it. 

Stress is catching up and my head is about to explode due to all of this hustle and bustle. I can only hope that all of my work can be completed on time.