Friday, December 6, 2013

Week Three Reflection

Hi everyone and assalammualaikum. So for today's entry, I have to write a reflection based on Writing for Multimedia & Web course. And this post is one of the requirements of this blog. As you know, this blog is one of my assignments. I know it's weird but it is also fun so, no complaints there.

Now, moving on. This is already Week 3, woww how time files ! During the 3 weeks, I'd been doing so many assignments given by Madam Nadiah Yan, she is our lecturer for this course. By the way, I would like to say, seeing her again this semester is great but knowing that she will be teaching us this subject and in a fun way was quite surprising for me. Well, I never knew she had a fun side, hee. But yes, it's good to see her again. So she told us to start with our first assignment which is a prezi presentation. We have to select one essay genre and present it in a prezi. This is due next week, Week 4. So I did just that, I chose Cause & Effect essay because well, I love facts. I'm not a story person and I'm not so good with describing things especially if I don't have any ideas and are completely blank. Thus, Narrative & Descriptive essay is a no, no for me. 

At first it was a bit hard for me because I lack creativity. So, for me, things that require creativity is difficult for me. But I tried my best and do it anyway. Assignments have to be finished on time. I do not want to procrastinate. So I gathered all of my sources and contents that I need and finish my prezi. When I'm done with that, Madam Nadiah told us to proceed with our Blog and also Karaoke Video, another assignments that we have to do. Ohh yes, I forgot to mention that this course doesn't have any final exams so guess what ? There are 7 courseworks ! Yeayy ! Like seriously, yeayy ... 

Now, continuing with the blog thing, yes what I'm doing now is blogging so no need to explain about that. For the Karaoke Video assignment, basically we have to have a group and then find a song and shoot a video for it. Then do some editing to it and turn it into a karaoke video ! Easier said that done right ? Yes, I'm looking forward to it. 

So, that is all for Week 3 and for my first reflection. Hope you enjoy reading it. Thanks ! :)

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