Saturday, December 21, 2013

Week Five Reflection

Hi again & assalammualaikum. 

Now, a reflection for Week Five before we go on with our holiday. Yes, you heard me, holiday ! Well, not much of a holiday if you ask me. So many assignments to catch up with but I'll try my best to finish it all by the time I go back to UPSI. 

Okay, what happened in Week Five ? Nothing much, just any other ordinary week like the previous weeks. In Madam Nadiah's class this week, we received our next assignment, which is a self-banner. We have to promote ourselves, sharing our interests and dislikes with our friends, promoting yourself, that's what it is. I don't mind about the writing part because to me it's quite easy. I find writing spoken English is not so difficult but neither do I think writing formal English is hard. Nevertheless, I love writing, especially when I have ideas. 

What turns me off is the designing part, which is required, which is compulsory, which is mandatory....
I have to design the banner, to promote myself. So yes, a big no, no for me. Yet, I'll try best again. Just like I did with the prezi. I'm doing quite well with the blog so that's a good thing.

I just hope I could catch up to everything during the holidays because I don't feel quite well as I usually do.
InsyaAllah, amin.

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