Friday, November 29, 2013

My Family

My Family. Yes, the title says it all. When talking about family the first thing that pops out in our mind is our parents, our mom, our dad and our siblings. Same goes to me. I think about them all the time. So let's begin shall we ?

Let's start with my Dad. His full name is Abdul Rahim bin Rashid. He was born in 16th October 1967. Opss.. I just revealed his age, Shhh.... It's our little secret okay ? Wait, how can this be a secret if I'm publishing this for the public to read ? Silly me.. Hehehe. Okay he's 46 years old this year. He's originally from Segamat, Johor. He was born there, raised there, everything there. When he was 18, he managed to further his studies in Texas. He majored in Engineering and now he's working as a Production Manager in a company named Reckitt Benkiser in Johor Bahru. He's a very technical person. He loves and have all sorts of gadgets but his favorite would be from Apple. Ohh yeah, he's an animal lover too. I remember all the pets we used to have in the house. We started with gold fish and Koi. Next we have cats, so, so, so, so many cats. My Dad just loves them so much. Then for quite some time, my Dad bought snakes to be kept as pets. Yes, you heard me, snakes. Not just those plain snakes, but pythons. I remembered him breeding those pythons until he had almost 30 of them, But when he moved to Johor Bahru due to his work, he decided to sell them all because he couldn't afford to look after them. Hmm.. But now, we have 2 lovely Persian cats. A big one and a small one. Haha. What more can I tell you about my dad, nothing I guess. My Dad is a simple person. He likes everything simple. Ahh yes ! I got my temper from him. Hee hee ~

Next is my Mom. NoorLiza binti Hassan is her full name. She's the same age as my Dad too. And she also went to the same university as my Dad which is in Texas. But she majored in Economics instead. Though she studied economics, yet her current career is a Lecturer. An English Lecturer to be exact. Yes, I'm studying English because of her. My love for English was inspired by her. I remembered her teaching me English lullabies. One of them was the famous Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, you know that don't you ? Hee Hee. Unlike my Dad, my Mom is not a fan of gadgets. She's a fan of books. She just loves to read a lot. Well what do you expect, she's an educator. Most educators will read. Her favorite genre would be romance. Err.. But we all got the idea, she loves to read. Fullstop. My Mom is a fun person. She likes to talk a lot and is not scared to speak up whenever she feels like she has to. She loves to pamper her children with food. Though she rarely cooks now due to her illness, but still she will buy me and my siblings good food to eat. My Mom is also a caring person. She could be confusing sometimes but she will always be my loving mother.  

I'll be continuing with my little sister now. Let's see.. Her name is Nur Diyana. She's two years younger than me. That means she's 17 this year. Yeahh sweet 17, wait.. isn't it supposed to be sweet 16 ? What am I babbling about ? Haihh.. sorry for that. Now my sister, okay. What can I say, she's a brilliant young lady. She has beaten me up in almost everything especially in academics. That's right. She does well in school. All the teachers love her as she excelled in everything. And of course this made our parents proud too. Among our siblings, she can be considered as the golden child. She has the looks and the brain. Boo hoo me ! I'm so jealous of her. Haihh.. But I have to admit, I am proud to have her as a sister. Diyana, or Yan for short, that's what I called her at home, but everyone else calls he Ana because it suits her sweet face. Yet she hated it because she thinks she's not sweet at all. Now this sister of mine likes to read a lot. She has an amazing collections of books. Her room is her library. Her favorite genre would be adolescent fiction. You can call it story books, but they are not like those typical story books. Her collections are different, hers are way more that just a story. It's beyond your imagination actually. The story books I mean. You have to see it for yourself, only then will you understand what I'm trying to describe. Haha. 

Last but not least is my little brother. The name given is Muhammad Kamal. Now this boy here is 13 years old. Yes, he just entered secondary school this year. My brother here is not like any other ordinary boy. He has a mental disability called autism. That means he is autistic. Yes, it is sad but fortunately his condition is not too bad compared to those who has down syndrome. So I'm grateful for that. One interesting fact about my little brother is that he doesn't eat rice, yet he is taller and bigger than I am ! How can this be ??? Haha, maybe it's because he has my Dad's genetic, my Dad is tall and big. Hee hee ~ He only eats fried chicken and drinks a lot of Milo. Ohh yes, he likes computer games a lot. Not just computer, but also video games and all sorts of games. Suffice to say, he's a game freak. He will spend most of his time in front of the laptop playing games non stop. Sometimes he will watch some videos. Another thing about him is that, he understands English better than Malay. Weird right ? Well doctors did say that autistic children have gifted talents and my brother's happens to be able to understand and speak English since young. I just love listening to him talking because he speaks in British accent which most Malay cannot. Even I myself are having trouble adjusting my tongue speaking in that accent. How can my brother does it so easily ? Well it's his gift.

Well that's about it about my FAMILY. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoy ! Bubyee !

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