Saturday, February 8, 2014

Week 10 Reflection

Morning peeps ! *sigh..

Yes, that's right, it is Sunday and yet I'm letting out a big heavy sigh to start the day. WHY ?
Let see shall we..

This week started with everyone preparing, once again, the Business Proposal presentation on Wednesday. And so, my group and I were very tired plus, before we could even discuss it, we had tons of other work to be done and catch up with. So, no playing and resting in between. Then, the day before the presentation, we received a news that it will be postponed on Thursday instead. Phew ! Such a relief, BUT ! We still have a test for Academic Writing class, so....

The test was indeed difficult but I tried my best anyway. It was such a relief after it was over. The next day we had our presentation and what did you know, Miss Hasimah liked my group's presentation. Alhamdulillah, I was smiling all the way.

Oh yes ! On Monday, I presented my Home Page assignment in the class. It was a pair work and my partner was Yi Ting. However, she wasn't present but Madam Nadiah allowed me to present it anyway for her behalf and so I did. Alhamdulillah again, our work was very satisfying to Madam Nadiah. Thank you, Madam !

On Friday, I had a big group discussion with my Keusahawanan group members for that particular subject. We had to start and finish an assignment called Rancangan Perniagaan. It is very similar to our Business English Proposal however, in Keusahawanan, Madam Masuzana wanted it in more detail. So yes, it started off well, beginning to get rough in the middle and was a catastrophe in the end. Everyone was tired and yes, we were tired.

I'm just hoping for my dear heart to bear all of this exhaustion that I am facing due to completing all the assignments. Final Exam is coming up soon. Can't wait to get back...

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